long division

美 [ˌlɔːŋ dɪˈvɪʒn]英 [ˌlɒŋ dɪˈvɪʒn]
  • n.长除法(把每一步骤都写下来)
long divisionlong division


a method of dividing one number by another in which all the stages involved are written down


the operation of division in which the sequence of steps are indicated in detail


  1. Tying my shoes was a major accomplishment , long division seemed a near impossibility , and complex social interaction consisted of a game of tag .


  2. He kicked that boy three blocks away and said , " That 's long division ! "


  3. In fifth grade , I was just learning long division .


  4. It is more beneficial to have my child in his seat in the fifth grade practicing long division .


  5. Though my duties were as simple as washing dishes or explaining long division , I felt empowered knowing that I had the ability to help .


  6. Do we really need to be told that we have great leadership potential but that what really matters is that we could not do long division with pen and paper fast enough ?


  7. His development was so held back that he had not even learnt how to do long division by the time of his mothers return in 1921 , when he was nearly nine .


  8. Long division and conflict to bring the Gospel Dream , while also sowing the seeds of the next crisis . Excessive positivism and extreme interpretation of this study is the concentrated expression .


  9. As an aside , I 'd like to note that I actually had one of these dolls at the age of seven , and I am currently wondering if she had anything to do with all the red " Xs " I received when attempting to learn long division .


  10. High-Performance VLSI Implementation of Very Long Integer Division Based on the SD Number Representation


  11. Long term division allow so difficult official Education , in this particular period , family education take on cultural heritage task .


  12. So long as Division A receives a transfer price of $ 25 per unit from Division B , it will be willing to sell all of its output internally .


  13. According to the requirements of asymmetric cryptographic algorithms ' VLSI implementation , this paper presents a novel very long integer division algorithm based on the SD ( signed digit ) number representation . The implementation logic of the SD division unit is discussed in detail .


  14. On Chinese Long Sentences ' Division and Translation


  15. The appearance of the finite element method would provide us a way to solve it . We can approximate the true situation as long as the division is exact and units are small enough .


  16. As for the sentence translation in the technical texts , the translator , not sticking to the structure of sentences , can deal with the sentences with post attributive by adopting linear translation method or putting the attributive in advance and translate the long sentences with division method .


  17. Long as I remember Division always comes first .


  18. Practice of new long fly - past division wall without water cooling in ring reheating furnace


  19. This typical formation of bias is closely related to their long form of social division of labor .


  20. This imbalance is the inevitable result of economic globalization . As long as the international division continues to exist , this imbalance will continue to exist .


  21. The buying division must purchase internally so long as the selling division meets all bona fide outside prices and wants to sell internally .


  22. In the long run , Equity Division Reform will enable investment shareholders and original shareholders to have consistent return functions , contributing to the overall revenue maximization .


  23. This paper presents the application of the Chinese Remainder Theorem in the private key operations , and the application of Barret 's modular reduction method to avoid the long critical path of division , by transferring a single modular multiplication into three multiplications and one addition .


  24. Although , occasionally I will crash your soft stubborn to turn around chic , but you still did not escape me ," together for a long time to divide , long period of division ," the truth !
